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             Bode stood the moment he heard the front door open. He stole a glance at the clock resting on the opposite side of the wall and sighed.
"Where in the name of God are you coming from?" he asked, keeping his voice down when speaking with his wife was becoming much more difficult in recent times.
         Cynthia dropped her bag on the nearest cushion chair and faced her waiting husband. "isn't it obvious. I am coming from work!"
"Every working person I know is right in the comfort of their homes. With their families. My beautiful wife comes homes at 2am and expects me to give her a round of applause." he lifted his two hands and jammed them together. "now you have your applause. Thank you for coming back home this  late"
            She picked up her bag and made to leave. The last thing she wanted after a hectic and annoying  day at the office was a nagging husband.
"Where do you think you are going?"he pulled her back "you are running away again,just as always. We are not done talking so you can't go anywhere. We will finish this today"
        "Bode,I have had a very bad day,please I am begging you,leave me alone. I have had to put up with terrible and insulting clients all day,please don't add to the number"
"What is wrong with you? what is happening to us Cynthia? what is happening to you?"
          For the first time since she stepped into the house,she faced him. She really looked at him. It wasn't the type of look that one gave to just anybody. It was the seething and angry look one gave to an impostor or and enemy one couldn't wait to get rid of  "Do you want to know what is wrong with me?"
He nodded,waiting..
"You are the one wrong with me Bode! the woman you see standing in front of you is nothing but your production. You made me the way I am"
  He stared on,alarmed.
"I have spent everyday of my twelve years of being married regretting why! Marrying you was the biggest mistake I ever made . I hate you!" she stopped the tears about to drop with her thumb. This ungrateful man who called himself her husband wasn't worth it. "Not a single day passes where I don't get reminded of how inadequate I am. You look me right in the face and call me a bad wife even if you don't say it literally. For the first time in my life,I will tell you the simple truth!"
Bode stood there transfixed,he dared not utter a word. He couldn't even if he wanted to. He was too speechless to talk!
"Do you want to know the simple truth?" she continued "I stopped being your wife a long time ago"
That was the last straw! He couldn't take anymore of her slander."Do not say things you'll regret all in the name of anger"
"The biggest expression and explanation of regret is marrying you! and I don't think I"ll regret any other thing as much as I regret that one decision!"   She picked her bag from the chair and faced him again,she obviously wasn't done.
 "And finally,get yourself a lawyer as fast as possible. I want a divorce and custody of my children tooand I will do everything in my power to get it." with that,she went upstairs. He heard the the door to the guest room open. He would be sleeping alone today and forever.
     He fell to the chair and stared on. All the words kept replaying in his head over and again. For the first time in his twelve years of being married,he cried.
He really cried!

to be continued.....

submitted to  His Word,


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