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The walk that DRAINED yet FILLED us!

SWPC III Countdown flier designed by Dabest

     It started with just a desire,it went on to be a dream and BOOM,SWPC ONE happened!

SWPC I flier designed by Jessie Rhemz Pkay

CHIDINMAR doing a poem at SWPC I

When I look back at that day,I am just amazed!
                  SWPC ONE was a direct explanation of the HAND OF GOD! It was beautiful. I literary watched God over do Himself! Trusting and resting in God is a beautiful place to be! I have being there and I can attest to it.
Miah doing a song with his guitar at SWPC I

SWPC ONE came to an end and off course we left better than we came! Hallelujah!
              You know that moment when you just finished an assignment you have being working on for'll take a big sigh and just calm down right?
              That was the kind of sigh we took after SWPC ONE ended! Omo,it was resting things o,we have done what God asked us to do,now it is time to lounge..
Little did I know that while we were lounging, God already started background work. 
            When I finally caught His vision and got the instruction,SWPC SEASON TWO kicked off. It was tagged ELOHIM!
SWPC II flier designed by Dabest

 It was a time when the Word of God washed into,from and upon us. Some people cried while poems were rendered! I have never experienced a thing like that before! 
I inhaled the presence of my King and enjoyed the ever refreshing presence of ELOHIM!
It was God-Filled..
   awesome and God filled as SWPC ONE AND TWO were,they were just dress rehearsals compared to what God did at SWPC THREE!!!
SWPC III flier designed by Dabest

I saw God channel all the resources! It was a very challenging program...
I mean, the team worked for months...Its amazing how much work one puts in for a program that would happen just One day!
I mean,.all the sweats,trekking from place to place(I trekked pah),jumping kekes(tricycle) and bikes,planning,planning and planning were all just for one day??? Tell me something!! 
But all the stress was worth it!
Amakason passionately doing a poem at SWPC III titled HOLD ON!
Amakason was laughing at a joke cracked by the Mc at SWPC III
IZEE SMITH doing a poem at SWPC I..
                SWPC THREE drained a lot of us but at the end of the day it was drain for the work of God and we counted it a privilege to be drained for Him!
Amakason and Dabest having fun after SWPC I ended. The coke bottle looks hilarious!

  The testimonies filled each and every team member with fulfillment.. As a matter of fact,we forgot about all of the stress and enjoyed the presence of God! 
I was telling a friend sometime ago that there is no feeling in the world that I can trade with the fulfillment that I experience at the end of every edition of SWPC. I think that is what happens when we obey God,we experience fulfillment!
SWPC III countdown Flier designed by Dabest...
Now its time to get your seat belts tightened!
SWPC I was awesome!
SWPCII was God-filled!
SWPCIII was amazing!
SWPC IV flier designed by Dabest

    I am not mixing words...Heaven is going to be on Earth that day...if you haven't fixed it into your schedule yet,NOW IS THE TIME!
Tell your friends to tell your friends..SWPC IV is happening on the 30th of April and God would be around!
   I am personally excited and looking forward to it..I am ready to have God blow my mind! One of the things I have learnt in my Christian walk is how important it is to not box God!
So I am very open..I am coming to be blessed!
I am coming to hear God speak to my heart through poetry. I am coming to be filled!
My heart yearns for more and more of the entrance of His word!  That said...I am personally inviting you to SWPC IV!!
Yes You!  Please come and see what Heaven on Earth looks like! And off course,invite a friend!
Please check the flier above for more details...
A tsunami of the WORD OF GOD is about to hit had better get ready and also make sure you are there to see how God will do it!

Thanks for reading and going through the SWPC JOURNEY  with me....even if it was just through pictures.
With all the love in my heart,I say THANK YOU and I hope to see you at SWPC IV

please follow SWPC on twitter: @swpc2016
on IG: @swpc2016
on Facebook: Spoken Word Poetry Conference IV and LUKE6: 45.... we have amazing contents waiting for you!


Submitted to His word,


  1. Powerful!
    Spirit igniting!
    I trust God to not only bring a tsunami but also a volcanic eruption that will erupt the heart and pierce the soul deeply for God's word not to escape through SWPCIV


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