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     Its always a joy to be here again...I have being really packed lately. Moving from camps to camp,getting ready for post Utme which is on Saturday. The summary is,I have being busy! but it feels good to be here,with the best people in the whole world.
     It wasn't until a friend of mine,fellow poet and reader of this blog Bankhall asked me when I was going to post again on my blog did I realize its actually being a long. Well,now I'm here and I am  glad.
       I went to two camps last month,THE ROCK AND ISTAND respectively. They were both amazing experiences and I learnt so much....and yes I met a lot of new people,especially at ISTAND.
     THE ROCK had  new faces but most of the people at THE ROCKI had met before. So it was practically a time with God,fellowshipping with Family and meeting some new faces. ISTAND was totally different. It was filled with faces I didn't know,people I wasn't sure were going to be friendly at all. Infact I prayed to God on the first day that HE would make my coming for the camp a success and trust me He did.
      I had a lot of fun,met  alot of people but at the same time,the spiritual part of it wasn't neglected. I saw people being filled with the Holyghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues and I was awed,this also happened at The Rock,it was further proof to me that the Spirit of God was one.
     One of the greatest lessons I learnt was taught by one of the most scary looking man on camp. The man's beard was the first thing I saw on DAY ONE. He was just one man I was almost always looking at. His name is ERIC BAGGIE( strange name too abi?) but he taught me one of the most phenomenal messages I have ever heard in my my entire life. He spoke about ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE. About the need to stand not just  out but excellently OUT. The importance of being the best academically as a christian can not be over emphasized. This is a man graduated with a first class,so he wasn't teaching us something he wasn't doing.
     One quote I took out of TFC camp was said by him and here it goes..." A TEEN FOR CHRIST IS A TEEN THAT IS AS BRILLIANT AS CHRIST" . You cannot say you stand for Christ and you carry the class from behind and expect that atheists would believe that your Jesus is real. WRONG! they woulde even reject your Jesus. Then it struck me,the greatest witness I  would ever be is to be excellent at what ever I do.
      Nobody wants to see your bible clutched tightly to your hands anymore,what they want to see is what that Bible is doing in your life!
     Maybe its high we stop saying we're Christians anymore and let people take a guess! you call yourself a Christian and you are a student who doesn't read his/her books! what kind of witness are you to those in your class or school at large.
      Daniel was SKIKLLED IN ALL LEARNING!check your bible,it is written there boldly. Many of us think his excellence fell upon him like a bag of cherry. NO! HE READ!
      I think my summary today is READ! knowledge is very key!
   At THE ROCK,I learnt the importance of team spirit. A TEAM IS ONLY AS STRONG AS ITS WEAKEST LINK! will expand on that some other time. Its a whole big write up on its own!
    A big shout out to my group members at best time at camp was eating time,why? because then we had to sit together,gist about a lot of things,ask for more food together,laugh at TEGA'S jokes and ultimately create a strong bond ..... You guys are the best...Tolani,Rhogene(I still hope I spelt that well. I have a gift for misspelling this babe's name),Terrence and his mind games, Nancy and her liveliness(even if she tried to squeeze it in,me I still saw it. She was claiming quite girl.. smh for her),Tega and his funny and jaw breaking jokes....uncle Joel and Ebi(best counselors ever!),Kc and his salvation experience(this guy came to camp not believing in Jesus at all and left a brother to JESUS..WOW!)...Time would not permit me to mention all the names I want to. Everyone in my group and beyond, if you were at TFC,YOU GAVE ME AN UNFORGETTABLE FIVE DAYS...and I say thank you!

Submitted to His Word!


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