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Hey people!!!! it amazes me every time I think of the fact that it's 2015 already...  seems like yesterday when we all said HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! walking into 2014 was all by itself God's will, I definitely had nothing to do with it. And now here we are,in 2015,just like that,nothing to pay,no fine and all...i don't know what you think but I do think we need to give God praise. Its all thanks to him that we're still alive,and definitely not about to die...
    When I look back at 2014, I am really awed at how much God did. For some people,how the year was depends on how much blessings they got, how many of their prayers were answered.  For me,whenever I think about the year 2014 and several other years that has passed,I feel unworthy. Several things happened this year,when I say several,I actually mean several. Some things had the ability to break me,others made me smile,some made me think and the list just goes on.
    I made a lot of mistakes,failed at doing some things,started doing some new things,made some decisions,met some life changing people,I was hurt,taken for granted,loved,blessed,i cried...what amazes me  most in all of this is the fact that through all this,GOD WAS WITH ME!!!!! That might not be a big deal to some people but it is to me. As i write,i'm trying all my best to keep the tears in because the truth is...a lot of people are in their houses harassing God,telling Him the number of things He didn't do, forgetting the number of things they didn't do!
    Its good to assess your year,talk to God about some things, but I deeply think that some things SHOULD be a lot more important to us than some other things.Please can you for once forget the number of things you wrote down last year? can you let go of the things God didn't do because even if He does it now He still didn't do it last year. Can you take a deep breathe and think about how helpless you felt sometime in 2014 and how God miraculously provided help for you through someone you least expected. Think about that night that you had such a terrible cough that you had to wake,take a long trek to the kitchen to get water to drink(i've had such coughs a couple of times this year)and immediatety after taking the water,you felt fine,think about how God connected you to a friend who said some encouraging words to you at a time you needed it.
     Think about the questions you needed answers you and got it somehow. Think about the times you were hurt and He was the only one there to comfort you. Think about how happy you were about something,but people didn't understand why you were so happy,so sharing in your joy wasn't too possible because they just couldn't get what the farce was about but you could feel God saying right through your ears 'WOW!! that's great!'...I don't know if you're getting the gist already...let me explain, 2014 had its ups and downs but i'm choosing to let my focus be only on God not on the material things He did but for the fact that through all the ups and all the downs, tumbles and stumbles, HE WAS WITH ME!!! He is sure keeping to His promise of being with me even till the end of time.
      Are you going to be grateful to God today for even the seemingly little things?
    It's occurred to me sometime in 2014  that we're not supposed to be grateful to God FOR everything but IN everything...Today in church,we talked a lot about getting intimate with God.
   Let your goal for 2015 not just be amassing things...its good. God is very interested in blessing you,so please chop as many blessings as you can(i will too)..but PLEASE, let God be you Goal!...when God is your goal, a whole lot of things will fall in place.
    Last year might have being a little not all that you expected or it might have being more than you expected. From the deepest parts of my heart i wish you a BEAUTIFUL 2015... Enjoy God,Enjoy yourself and please never forget that through this year,GOD WILL BE WITH YOU!!! He has promised never to leave you and He's not about to break his promise now...
    Spoken Word Poetry Conference(SWPC) happened yesterday and if you were not there,i'm sure you wee at the exact place God wanted you to was a swell time in God's presence. The poetry guys were on point,talking about, MIAH,CHIDINMA,AMAKASON, TOSIN,AND DANIEL. The choir was great, OVIE CROSS COLLINS was tremendously great and so many other people.
   I had fun yesterday and i was glad over and again that it happened at the beginning of the year....the theme was ELOHIM!!! when ever that name rings in my ears i get a  tickling sensation.
    I really don't know if any other person at that meeting experienced God but i did and i'm glad i was there..what a great way to start a year!
   This last year was definitely a great year but I'm more than sure that 2015 will be greater,and do you know why? BECAUSE GOD IS MY GOAL! why not make Him your goal too? with all the love in my heart i say...
                                                                                                           Submitted to His Word,


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