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       Hello everyone! i'm here again and its indeed a great joy. I hope we're doing okay... I've being good and doing okay as well.
       I'm here to write and just as usual i'm short of words....There are a lot of tings on my mind but I do not have the slighest clue which i need to write about first..maybe I'll just write everything. 
      It's amazing how much connection people have with people.You go somewhere,meet someone that introduces you to someone and then you get to meet someone else that introduces you to another person and the chain just keeps moving. 
     Relationships are a very important part of our lives. We are alive today because someday in creation God realized his need for people He could talk and relate with(which brought about the creation of Adam and then Eve). I've met people who live and act like they do not need anyone. You see them talk to people rudely and harshly,the most annoying part is that they hardly see anything wrong with what they do. They treat people like they were unimportant and insignificant to the world. How people feel is the least of their worries. They just drop whatever boils they have in their mouth,whenever they feel like it,there by getting other people infected.
  There are one thousand and one approach to one thing. You do not have to shout to get a message across to someone. Apologies to my yoruba readers(please forgive me but it bears guys know i love you shey?). I am quite aware of the fact that it is not a tribal thing but if we would be sincere with ourselves,taking out every need to be bias,yorubas do a lot of shouting. I went for a wedding yesterday and at some point I was almost closing my ears(come and see shouting!!!),they didn't even think of the fact that the djs and life bands were filling our  ears with more than enough noise already. They shouted over food,seats,drinks.....the list is endless. 
   To my great yoruba folks reading this,the fact that you see a lot of shouting going on around you doesn't mean you have to follow in the trend. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SHOUT!!!
    I have being with MINE TEENAGE MINISTRY for a few years  and one of the great lessons I have learnt is how not to raise my voices at other people.There are times that I feel so stressed,I have said one thing over and again and nobody seems to be listening. At such times one could be tempted to shout(as in angrily shout),but the truth is we are supposed to be in control our emotions,not the other way round. I have learnt that the best thing to do when i'm overly stressed is not talk(it has helped me a lot,it might not be your own remedy but its worth trying),I will go over to a secluded place and just be quiet. Taking deep breaths also helps.
    The whole point of what I'm trying to say is,please do not allow your emotions get at you. You can choose to talk or not talk. You can choose to shout or not. Please respect people enough to bridle your tongue when you're around them. Life is just sweeter when everyone can say that Chiamaka, Kemi, Nonye,Cynthia, Deji, Dayo,Daniel...(and all other names i didn't mention)will  never shout  no matter how pressured he/she is. Thats that about'm sure we have gotten the message).
    The second thing on my mind is mainly for the working class or should I say those that work from mondays to fridays or saturdays(as the case may be). I remember when I use to work at Ikeja(computer village precisely),it was a very serious and hectic season of my life. I was parctically living every day of my life just to get an annoying salary at the end of the month. A salary that could barely deal with my transport talk more of feeding and other expenses. But I kept working,particularly because my aunty wanted me to and I needed some money at that time.
    I worked Mondays to Saturdays. I was expected to resume work at seven thirty in the morning and I closed at six in the evening. I use to leave the house at nothing later that six in the morning,just so I could meet up with the time schedule and all that. I got back home everyday at nothing earlier than eight in the evening. Sometimes I would go to bed hungry and still have to go to work the next morning hungry. There are times I go the whole day at work with absolutely nothing in my tummy, and I still have to work like a jakass for my boss(its not his fault that i'm hungry or is it?). Why all this story nah? (i imagine that at least one person is asking that...)
      While i worked there,two things kept me sane...times i spent with God in the morning before leaving the house everyday,sometimes it wasn't  even up to five minutes,sometimes it was more. I was reading a Joyce Meyer's devotional,titled A NEW DAY,A NEW YOU!(very beautiful devotional i must say..You could check it out to). I spoke with God everyday and He never failed to order my steps during the day. In the devotional,Joyce talked about how she puts on her daily behaviour like she puts on her clothes. That was  pretty much what I did every morning. I consciously told myself how I was going to behave that day AND TRUST ME GOD ALWAYS BACKED IT UP!!! for all those that have different things to do this week,please put on behaviour like you put on your clothes throughout this week and i'm sure you'll be glad you did,because you'll be all over situations not them being all over you.
To the second thing!
  There was this song i listened to almost everyday,it was a very great always kept ringing in my head every second of the day. its a song by Cece Winans,titled HIS STRENGTH. I'll write out the lyrics and hope that even if you do not hear all the base guitars and keyboards and drums and all other paparazzis in the song, i pray that the words will fill your heart with peace as you go about this week's activity. This particular song gave me the resolve to go another day and another day and another day until I finally felt it was time to stop working there. please just savour the words and off course you can download it,if you want to keep hearing it. I love you guys and as always please do not give the devil the luxury of seeing you defeated,keep pushing on,YOUR TIME IS NOW!

Here is the song...
  His strength is perfect,when our strength is gone,
  He'll carry us when we can't carry on,
  Graced in his power,the weak becomes strong
  His strength is perfect
  His strength is perfect
  Graced in his power the weak becomes strong,
  His strength is perfect
   His strength is perfect...

   Those lyrics kept me going for months,they can do same for you  too,if you'll just really listen to them and believe them. God's got your back people. Thanks for the feed backs on my last post,I do appreciate you guys!

Submitted to His word


  1. Great expression of thoughts. Kudos


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