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Hey guys!
 I hope you have all being good? like really good? it just occurred to me that many people have made their first response to the very famous question;;"how are you?"...I'm fine"....and that's all. i personally dont think we have to go around telling everyone about how 'unfine' we are but i also believe that there comes a point when that question should be answered truthfully! so i'm asking you,yes you reading this now "How are you?"....did you just say fine in your mind,  please if you really do not mean the fine,i'll advise you to start by talking to God about it,He has all the answer you need(trust me). well...that's by way..that's actually  not our subject of discussion today! I just remembered that i haven't gisted you guys about my trip to Ibadan(dont tell me you forgot i went it ibadan)...i forgive you anyways...there's plenty gist from IB(Ibadan..i'll be using Ib,so anywhere you see Ib,just know that i'm referring to IBADAN).me and my abbreviations abi? dont mind me...
    I went to Ibadan with Jerry Ibazebo,on the 15th of Aug,2014...the ride was quite interesting except that it seemed farther than usual,if Jerry was with me and the ride wasn't interesting then there sure was a problem,that  boy can disturb for Africa eh!...back to IB story
     We got to IB at about eleven, spending exactly three hours on the road was no joke at all.The  moment we got there we sent a call  to Jessie telling her to come pick us,but guess what this babe told us...."You guys should go to the Faculty of Arts and wait,i'll come pick you",the tired me was like,there had better be chair in that faculty of arts because i don tire! i am happy to announce to you guys that there was no chair oo,just some molded block. well...half bread as people say is better than none.
   Myself and Jerry just sank into the molded wall waiting for Jessie,while we waited our eyes roamed the surroundings students were passing,lecturers were arguing about one social science thing like that(if you hear grammer eh,only that the man's diction wasn't too good sha..but he tried)...
      After a while Jessie arrived with her simbi goes to school hair style(dont tell her i said anything oo...lolz) but it was nice on her sha... Before then,myself and Jerry had already decided on how many load Jessie  would carry when she came,because her mummy so packed load for us eh..if you saw us you would think we were going on holiday not knowing that we were only going to write a day's exam...
     After all the division na only one load she still carry,infact the one load was carried by both of us(can you imagine that!),i held one handle and she held the other!
    From FOA(faculty of arts),we went to Zik hall,where we met OLAOLU. Zik hall is the boys hostel,and The boys in  there are  known for their razz life! and that was where Jerry spent the night on friday.According to Jessie,Olaolu is one of those people who would always show up whenever she needed him(what a nice description of a friend). We went into Olaolu's hostel to drop Jerry's bag only to face a very interesting episode with a woman whose name i cant even remember. all i know is that she was one of those in charge of the hostel..
    As myself,Jerry,Jessica and Laolu were about leaving the hostel,this woman just came from nowhere and was like:"The four of you follow me!" me i was like,follow you to where(but that was in my mind of course,i could never have said that to her ,the woman for don slap me before the question comot for my mouth)
     The woman led us to some small office, and tore out a ticket,gave it to Laolu and said"write your name on this ticket,You are going to pay #5,000"
     I opened my mouth and the only thing that came out was; what?(in whisper sha,..i love my life!)
to be continued!


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