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        Hi friends,it feels really good,sitting here and typing again after a long time of being away. let me start by apologizing,i didnt inform you guys that i was gonna be away and that was quite rude of me,right? i'm deeply sorry for the break in transmission and you can be sure that i missed you guys,i missed typing things for you to read and i missed getting your feed backs...quite a number of things has happened in my life in the past few months of been away,i've learnt,i'v being hurt, i've hurt people ,i've travelled,i've made mistakes,i've cried and above all,i've grown!!!! like really grown!
  i promise to gist you all about everything.i stopped writing mainly because of work and exam issues,i stopped working and decided to face preparation for exams squarely, stopping this particular job was a very big decision for me,because it involved a woman who i would call AUNTY for security purposes,she got me the job and i felt it would be bad to just stop after just two months of working,so i was stuck,i wanted to stop working for school but i was scared about how she would feel about it,so i prayed about it,i"m not trying to be spiritual or something,but i've come to realize that the best way to save myself of confusions is through prayers,it works for me,i'm sure it will work for you,if only you"ll try it! back to my story! i finally gathered up courage and stopped the job,i sent Aunty a whatsaap message but i got no reply,i was a little scared of looking into her eyeballs and telling her to her face"Aunty,i have stopped working" the thought alone scared me,since she didnt want to answer me,i decided not to awaken the sleeping dog who was enjoying its sleep,but unfortunately it didn't enjoy its sleep for long cos Aunty brought up the topic about the job at a very critical stage,it was like she was waiting patiently for the perfect time before saying anything about it...the moment she mentioned it,my head defaultly made the gbagaun was avery bad day for me but it passed and i'm indeed grateful to God,infact more than grateful,at least for the fact that myself and Aunty are still in good and talking  terms!
   The next phase of my life after stopping work was my trip to calabar!
   Trip To CALICITY!
  You might be wondering,what has exam got to do with calicity? a whole lot my friend,i have always wanted to visit calabar,a few months ago,myself and Jessica were discussing about going there someday to chill,you get right? little did i know that a compulsory trip to one of the most beautiful states in Nigeria was on its way, i was really shocked when i realised that the only two states left for writers of PPT UTME exams were JIGAWA AND CALABAR,I was like jeez!! if i had known oo, i would have registerd early,it was too late to cry so all i could do was make a quick choice between the two states and trust me there's no way Amakason is  going to Jigawa,for what nah? JAMB? IF I HEAR! your guess is as good as mine,i chose Calabar and i can sincerely say that i was glad i was after a few days that i realised that my coming to calabar was orchestrated by God even before i as born! it was a wonderful experience...On the morning i was to leave for cali,did i mention that it was my first time going that far! travelling isn't something i fancy so this particular trip was really  scary,at about 8am in the morning i was on my way to the land of dog-eaters(its nothing really persoal,but that's what calabar people are known for  here in Lagos right?they can eat dog anytime,anyday)...the trip was in word,KILLING!!! It looked like we would never get to our destination that day,at a point i got so tired and angry that i resulted to pouring out my anger on pen and paper,i wrote a poem right there in the bus..would have written it here for you guys to read but my jota is no where close,so that would be some other time,riding through the state called IMO was the most frustrating part of the journey,it was like the state had no end! we just kept going and going...we finally got to Uyo somewhere around 7pm in the evening,i was extremely overjoyed,i thought we would get to cali in like 30 minutes or so,if i hear! myself and a woman who i would like to call AFARI(This woman's head was really barbed,that i couldn't help noticing) Afari kept jumping from one complain to another,she actually suceeded in getting the already tired me into a much more tired me,when she realised i was in no mood to answer her she moved to the driver,i was like,ope oo!in about 2 hours,we got to Calicity,the moment the driver shouted mobil! i heaved a sigh of relief before answering,i was finally at my busstop,when i checked the time ,it was around 10pm,calculating my take-off and drop-off  time,which is 8am-10pm,i spent 14 good hours on the road..i still find it very difficult to believe that i could spend that much time on the road without passing out! it was a big miracle! the moment i got to mobil busstop,my very good friend Emeka was already waiting for me,Emy, Emekason, emeka amaka,are all his nicknames(they call me Amaka emeka also,i didnt use to like the name  before but i finally got used to it,not like i had a choice)  Emy was still the same person that saw me off to the car park when i was leaving Cali,thanks Emy for being a very wonderful host! I  stayed in Mrs Ekeng's house otherwise known as MINE family house,i was treated very well,stayed with mine members,as in those guys are really cool people,not for once did i ever regret staying with them! we played an  interesting game,called truth or dare..>that game was marvelous,i drank water eh,the rule of the game was;refusing to answer a question,you drink one and half cup of water,not having an answer to a question,you drink a cup of water,we finished a 25 liter keg of water in barely 2 hours,i drank water of life, all the games started after Jamb sha! there was no way sister Florence was going to allow us play games instead of reading,i miss that woman a whole lot!i met  a lot of Mine members i hadnt seen before,i met Affiom,Arit otherwise known as grandma,thanks for the pork meat granny.i eat pork eh!i really miss those tasty pork meat,i have not being able to buy any here in Lag,i also met Jonah also known as JONAH BENSON,he is one of the most humble people there in that house,he runs errand for me like crazy,although sometimes he grumbles sha,but after all the grumbling he'll still go,he was a very lovely boy,i met Ruth,sarah and peace,i really cant remember their elder sister's name right now,if you see this three ladies eh,they are really fine,i usually teased them,snapped a picture with them on a friend's phone but she has failed to send them to me,i met  aunty Nonye,Emmanuel Ivara,he is  spoken word poet,he also wants to be a rapper,he infact turned my name to a rap and here is the line,AMAKASON IS NOT A MAGAZINE! can you just imagine that,he was also a great company,i love you plenty plenty sir!another person was Daniel Etim(other wise known as orr kpong orr)this guy so frustrated me with his Efik language that i had to learn this particular word and its what i use to identify him,orr kpong orr means "or leave" whenever i said it everyone laughs cos i have a very funny and tush way of saying utme exams was great,the mine programme was great as well,infact everything and everyone was very great..if i didnt mention your name,please forgive me, wait!how can  i forget AUNTY QUEEN! this woman is agressively spiritual,she can make anyone give their life to Christ in an instance(this is not exaggeration oo)...also ,mummy Ekeng,a wonderful mother,she treats everyone like her own child,if every mother where like her,i'm sure this world would be a better place! thank you very much ma,for having me at your house!...every single person i met at Cali made my stay a memorable one,i love  and appreciate you all! the next epiosode i would continue with my life after calabar!!!! you wont miss it right?..woud be taking a break from THE HEART for now,for reasons i'll explain next time we'll be meeting!!!
love you all and thanks for reading!


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