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Showing posts from August, 2014
                 UNIVERSITY OF IBADAN (OLAOLU'S ISH) Hey guys!  I hope you have all being good? like really good? it just occurred to me that many people have made their first response to the very famous question;;"how are you?"...I'm fine"....and that's all. i personally dont think we have to go around telling everyone about how 'unfine' we are but i also believe that there comes a point when that question should be answered truthfully! so i'm asking you,yes you reading this now "How are you?"....did you just say fine in your mind,  please if you really do not mean the fine,i'll advise you to start by talking to God about it,He has all the answer you need(trust me). well...that's by way..that's actually  not our subject of discussion today! I just remembered that i haven't gisted you guys about my trip to Ibadan(dont tell me you forgot i went it ibadan)...i forgive you anyways...there's plenty...
           WHAT WOULD YOU DO ? What would you do when everything in your life come crashing? How would you react if all that you hold dear is snatched away from you in a single eye's blink?  How hard will you cry when your life feels,smells and tastes shattered stuff?? I dont know about you but i'll cry, i'll cry because i'll be angry,i'll cry because i hate pain,i'll cry because i'll feel deserted,i'll cry because,ITS UNFAIR!      I seat here to write from my heart,my fingers angrily strike the keys of the keyboard,stinging but held-back- in tears fill my eyes!  I'm angry,i wish i wasn't but i cant help it! haven't i tried enough! juggling up and doing so many things just to become all that my parents do not have the courage to make or watch  me be! i am pissed because God knows all of this,He knows my struggle,pain ,sorrow yet does absolutely nothing! yet some people come and tell me,GOD LOVES...