UNIVERSITY OF IBADAN (OLAOLU'S ISH) Hey guys! I hope you have all being good? like really good? it just occurred to me that many people have made their first response to the very famous question;;"how are you?"...I'm fine"....and that's all. i personally dont think we have to go around telling everyone about how 'unfine' we are but i also believe that there comes a point when that question should be answered truthfully! so i'm asking you,yes you reading this now "How are you?"....did you just say fine in your mind, please if you really do not mean the fine,i'll advise you to start by talking to God about it,He has all the answer you need(trust me). well...that's by way..that's actually not our subject of discussion today! I just remembered that i haven't gisted you guys about my trip to Ibadan(dont tell me you forgot i went it ibadan)...i forgive you anyways...there's plenty...
Hi friends,i am Amaka nwabeke but my friends like to call me blog is basically about me,my experiences,my beliefs,my stories,my poems and my article.. It is my way of reaching beautiful people like you reading this now! is my way of telling you how valuable you are... Above all it is my way of telling you the glorious future you have ahead of you... never ever doubt this..I LOVE in you reading this now