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Showing posts from January, 2014


Hi friends, it's great to be back again...i missed you all! I am sure a lot of you are waiting so patiently for THE HEART ,you wont have to wait for long! Dedication    MICHEAL... my brother I look at you bro and i bless God for your life,you are indeed a blessing from God,I bless the day you were born!I love you like seriously.  I admit that i used to be scared for you,i was always fidgety about the kind of future you would have but GOD hasn't failed to always remind me about the kind of future HE has reserved for you...I believe in you sooooo much kid bro!keep excelling and keep being the best that you are. STEPHANIE... MY SISTER   I remember how much i prayed for you and i wonder how i could have spent so much of a time doing nothing but doubting God's protection on your life....i look at you and i marvel at how a  little girl could be as determined and hardworking as you are,then again i get reminded about how small but mighty you are...i see...


Hello friends,  How was your day?i really hope it wasnt as stressful as mine.I had a stressful but fruitful day but thank God i am here now doing what i love doing best and being with the people i love most in the world,i was just thinking about how beautiful it would be if i knew every single person who reads this blog,you are the reason i still find the strengh to strike the keys of a keyboard  even after a stressful day...i love you all,like seriously!   I really wont write much today, i just want to share a simple truth with you that i am sure will be very useful to you...i learnt it from a lot of people but JOYCE MEYER is one of those who succeeded in putting it into my skull and heart permanently and the truth is this:YOU ARE VALUABLE!   Just three letter words but it took me years to  finally realise it,listen to me,NOBODY CAN EVER BE LIKE YOU LIKE YOU WOULD BE LIKE YOU! are at your best when you are yourself...i mean yourself,not your pastor's w...


Hi friends, I am so happy i am typing again,the last time i did  was on sunday,i have had a reallly busy schedule this week...    i had a wonderful experience today...    I was to deliver some goods to a man today somewhere around ikeja,ARIK AIRWAYS precisely,he bought an external hard disk and a sata was a beautiful drive down there,you know it is  not easy to enter an air contioned car,with my seat belt well fixed i relaxed in the executive car to an airport  i had never been to before.i got there earlier than expected, in about 20 minutes time,i ws sitting directly gave me the most beautifful smile i had ever seen, i smiled back off course,{its not everyday you see a white man smiling at you},we negotiated the price for some time,i was a little surprised because most whites i have come accross hardly negotiate price with you,they only ask you what the price is and pay,but this man was special,he kept negotiating until he was satisfied,i...