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Showing posts from June, 2014
   Hey guys!  its another day,and i must say,that i'm really glad to be writing to wonderful guys like gives me great joy knowing someone as big as YOU is reading something written by someone a small as me,from the depths of my heart,i say thanks for being a reader of this blog,if its your first time,that<s fine,i say a big WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!! i feel really honored to have you...     Now to our todays gist! the last time i got in touch with you guys wqe talked about my tgrip to calabar,my exams,and the great people io met over there right?(i imagine you nodding your head right now,me and my if i remember correctly,i promised you guys that we would be talking about my life after calabar right?  hmmmmm!!!! sometimes making promises could be really bad<you know today i thought of something ele to write  about but then i got reminded again that i had a promise to keep,but anyways,its always great getting to w...